The Navajo Indians, Aztecs, Egyptians, and many other cultures have worshiped the sun god at one time or another. In Egypt, the sun god was called Ra - portrayed with a hawk's head in many ancient characters. Celtics actually have an ancient sun god named Lugh. Native Americans talk about Tsohanoai, the god who brought the sun on his back - in the sky - day-to-day. At night, he hung the sun from a peg in his house. The sun is still shining a moment in today's tattoo.
As cool as a tattoo of the sun was in the past, seems to have fallen by the roadside - was replaced by celestial bodies such as stars or the moon. This still holds its place in the background scene in the tattoo though. Tattoo depicting an eagle flying in blue sky, when the sun shine which extends from the wings, or wolf perched on a rock face as the sun slowly seeping behind the dark mountain background, still using the shadow of the sun as an assistant. Eagle shadow seemed to fall into the head. As someone who never got a tattoo to prove, shadowing is one of the most critical part of a tattoo.